Friday, 30 December 2011
Goodbye 2011, hello 2012...
That's not to say though that by Sunday I'm going to be a bit of a wreck and maybe regretting trying to take on the world! Tomorrow is obviously New Year's Eve. The photo is of Rob and me last year; my ME was just beginning to take a turn for the worse then. I'd been in hospital with what they now know to be my ME, and although I was feeling better I still hadn't fully recovered from it. Obviously this year things are more severe and it became clear I wouldn't be going out! So when you can't go to the party, bring the party to you! Yep, I'm having all my friends over tomorrow evening to see in the New Year with me. I've got my bed upstairs too so I can keep going up for little sleeps (there's no way I'll manage it all on the go). My friends are amazingly understanding though and won't have any problem with it. They'll carry on having fun! As long as I can count down and see in 2012 with everyone else I don't really care about what else happens.
I've been thinking about 2011 a lot over the last few days. Obviously a lot of it for me has been absolutely horrible. If someone had said to me this time last year that 2011 would turn out like it has, I would have either laughed at how ridiculous it was or cried! It's been a huge struggle trying to cope with my illness both physically and emotionally. There have been a lot of tears, a lot of times where I've felt like giving up, months too ill to get out of bed and wondering how much worse it can possibly get. One of the hardest things to deal with has definitely been the disbelief; I really don't want this to sound like I'm getting at people because that really isn't what I want to do- I can understand where they're coming from. I suppose though because I've known how my body has been, it's been really frustrating not being able to explain that to other people. It's felt a lot like I've needed to justify myself, not only to other people but almost to myself too. I've had to convince my own mind that I am genuinely ill and that I can't just ignore it- that won't make it go away. I've had to get past those feelings of feeling so angry at myself for not being able to do what I should have been doing, what everyone else is doing. As for being in hospital, well that was just a bit rubbish really!
However it hasn't been all bad by a long way. I wouldn't say I'm glad to have ME, but I'd be lying if I said that this year hadn't brought some real blessings. Joining AYME was such a massive thing for me; I really do treasure the friendships I've made there, not just because they have ME too and understand what it feels like but also the fact that they are genuinely wonderful people. I've been amazed and incredibly moved at the loyalty and total love of my friends; they're the best ever, and I am so so lucky. I've really learnt to be honest with myself and listen to myself and that's really strengthened me mentally which can only be good. Being so unable to do things has forced me to look for other ways of filling my time, such as writing this blog! And that's been really helpful to me. This has all really strengthened my relationships with many people too, especially Rob. And best of all, the things that I have achieved have meant everything. My biggest achievement of the year has to be qualifying as a teacher; hard as it was, and despite having to go part time, I've done it and that means more than I could ever describe. But there's no way that I'd have got there without the support of people around me so I'm forever grateful!
So even though I'm going into 2012 as a severe ME sufferer, it's fair to say that I'm a lot more prepared for it than I was this time last year. Next year is going to bring a lot of hard times I'm sure, but there are some fantastic things to look forward to- I can't wait!
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Things are looking up!
I had my medication changed before Christmas and I have improved so so much. I've basically gone from not being able to get out of bed to now walking around the house with no sticks. It's all been very gradual, something new every day, but I'm getting there very slowly. It seems a bit miraculous really! I am very impatient though and now I'm a bit better I'm finding it really hard to not do too much. With ME you have to be so careful because you can feel like you've got a lot more energy than you actually have. If you over-do it even slightly you get the payback and that's when things start to go downhill. So I want to do a lot and feel like I'm able to, but it's quite frustrating not being able to do it.
Of course feeling better meant that Christmas was all the nicer. Having the use of my legs back was the BEST Christmas present I could ever have asked for! I keep feeling like I've got something that I just want to keep using now; I keep walking round downstairs just because I can. It feels really odd not holding on to anything. I took my first unaided steps on Boxing Day and on Christmas Day I was able to give Rob a hug- the first one in months! So that was really lovely. I got some amazing presents too. My parents gave me a Kodak wireless digital photo frame; it can connect to and download photos from Facebook as well as connecting wirelessly to your computer. There's also an iPhone app that you can get to display photos on it, and the frame even has its own email address; if you email pictures it puts them directly onto the frame. It's really clever!
I paced Christmas out a lot and started by opening a few presents downstairs. I worked up then to having a little trip out in the car to see the lights in Taunton and then building on that the day after. By Christmas Day I was able to have my Christmas dinner with everyone else and even watch the Queen! It was lovely to be somewhere that wasn't stuck in bed, just feeling normal really. I really treasured that feeling because it had been such a long time that I'd felt normal! Luckily though I seem to be getting a little bit stronger every day.
The other really exciting news is that Rob and I are moving in together in the New Year! He starts his new job in Banbury in either the second or third week of January and obviously will be moving up there. We would cope being apart, we did it for four years through university, but the fact is that we don't want to 'cope'. We've kind of moved on from being apart and so much has happened since then. So I'm going with him! We've narrowed down a couple of flats (to be honest there wasn't a lot going!) and are going to Banbury to look at it on Friday. Obviously that's going to be such a big step for me and one that may cause me a lot of payback. But emotionally I really need to go- it's incredibly important to me not only to see where I'm going to be living but also to do something that's normal. It means the world to be able to get out, much more than I can describe.
I'm still severely ill and I think I still need to remember that I'm not invincible! But as they say a journey of a thousand miles starts with the very first step. It's going to take a really long time and I know there'll be ups and downs, I've come to realise that's what ME is. But gaining a little bit of my life back means so much and long may it continue!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
The physio and the monkey!
I'm really looking forward to Christmas. I've made a plan of how I'm going to manage it, pacing everything out so that I can enjoy it as much as possible. I'm going to try and manage without my carers on Christmas Day and Boxing Day too; obviously it's their Christmas too, so they've probably got better things to do than come and sort me out. And I also have every intention of going downstairs still (more about that in a minute) so I won't need them to bring up my medication and other things like that. I'm really looking forward to just doing 'normal' things like eating downstairs so so much. It feels like an absolute age ago that I was doing those sorts of things, so it'll be really special! It might sound really sad, but I'm really looking forward to watching the Downton Abbey Christmas special. I do love Downton, and because usually I'm not able to watch the TV because of my noise and light sensitivity even if I can watch a few minutes that'll be a nice treat! I've hinted for series one and two on DVD for Christmas, so I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what Santa brings...
My physio and social worker came back to visit me this morning and it went really well for one very big reason- they really listened and understood what I was saying. They were actually pretty shocked that I'd been told by the doctor that everyone needed to be hard on me and push me beyond my limits. And they also acknowledged that this is all going to take time; it's not going to help me if I'm rushed into doing things, desperate as I am to get better. It felt like such a massive weight off my shoulders; I felt like there was someone to stick up for me and help me beat this rather than assume that if I'm not pushing myself really hard, I don't want to get better. I told them that I'll be going downstairs for Christmas too. They said that they couldn't recommend it, but I think it was one of those 'I won't tell if you don't' situations. In reality, I'm not ready to go down there just yet. I certainly won't be walking down there. But I think Abi (my physio) realised that it'll absolutely make my Christmas if I'm downstairs! Sometimes you have to put your emotional side first. I probably will feel worse physically for doing it, but I'll feel a lot worse emotionally for staying in my room.
I've been smiling an awful lot today though- people have been sending and bringing round presents, and in line with my plan to pace Christmas I've opened a few! Last night my really close friend Dawn came round with her boyfriend, Craig. We swapped presents- she'd really spoilt me! She gave me a gorgeous bubble bath set (which as soon as I'm well enough to have a bath again I'll be using!) and a box set of three Adam Sandler films. I also got some presents through the post this morning which I couldn't resist opening. I just saw it as a reward for doing my physio. One of my friends sent me a sixteen month calendar with loads of positive, motivational sayings in which was really lovely; it's full of nice bright colours and little doodles too so that's gone straight up on my wall! Kat (who runs the AYME Somerset local contact group and who went to college with me) sent me a monkey that she'd made out of long stripy socks. He's so cute. I haven't given him a name yet but I'm thinking of one! He's very ME friendly too- very huggable with nice long arms and legs that I can wrap around my neck. And he's very good for touch sensitivity, so I've finally been getting that hug I've wanted for so long!
We've just found out too that Rob's got a job! He's going to be working with the Virgin Formula 1 team doing the aerodynamics or something like that on their car. I'm so proud of him. He's going to need to move to Banbury for it though, I'll miss him like mad. But I'm so pleased for him.
Monday, 19 December 2011
Operation Christmas!
On Saturday, Rob and I spent a lot of time wrapping presents. It was exhausting but one of those tasks that needed doing! We made it fun though by putting on some cheesy Christmas music and having a box of chocolates open to keep us going. I wasn't able to physically wrap the presents myself (Rob did that for me) but I managed to organise them all and label them; it felt really good to be able to have a hand in it. When you've got ME, you can often feel quite frustrated that you aren't able to get involved with the 'normal' little jobs in life. And sometimes other people with the best will in the world don't give you the chance to do those things in case it tires you out too much. I completely understand their thinking though, I'd probably be the same! Maybe it's because Rob knows me so well but he always makes sure that when there's something going on, I'm involved in some way too.
My sister came home from university for the holidays yesterday too. It was lovely to see her although I felt pretty embarrassed about how much I've deteriorated since seeing her last. I don't know if she felt embarrassed too because I haven't seen a lot of her yet! Anyway, last night my mum, dad and sister decided that it was going to be the annual putting up of the Christmas tree. I absolutely LOVE doing this every year. We have the Christmas music blaring out and all four of us (five since Rob's got involved too) have a really lovely evening bringing in the tree from the garden, making it (and the rest of the house) look really gorgeous and Christmassy and drinking a lot of wine! However there were a lot of tears on my part yesterday evening as obviously being bed bound I couldn't get involved this year. I was really upset, not just because it's one of my favourite nights of the whole year but I was also very angry that here was yet another thing that I was missing out on because of my ME. It always feels very unfair because I obviously didn't ask to get ME in the first place. However, there was no point in sulking about it because there wasn't anything that I could do, and Rob being the absolutely wonderful boyfriend that he is made sure I didn't completely miss out.
As I've mentioned before, there's a competition that AYME are running for SAM's (severely affected members, of which I am one) to have the best decorated Christmas room. I'm getting very competitive over it so Rob decided that last night, what with everything going on, it would be a good night to decorate my room. It was just as lovely as it would have been downstairs- we even had mulled apple juice! When I was about fifteen I bought an artificial Christmas tree which Rob put together for me. I sat in my chair (which in itself is a big thing for me) and covered it in red and gold; there was tinsel, some red cherry lights, glittery star baubles and mini presents which sat on the branches. It looked really gorgeous- very festive! Meanwhile Rob did all the bits that I couldn't do like hang tinsel from my walls, shelves and ceiling and put three more sets of fairy lights up. It looks brilliant now, a bit like Santa's grotto but that's fine with me. Being bed bound can be exceptionally boring, especially if you don't have anything to look at, so now that I have a lot of decorations up it's really lovely!
Unfortunately, I still haven't managed to see Alice, Darren and baby Jake. It's actually making me feel like a pretty rubbish friend to be honest; I feel like I really should be there for Alice especially really. I think Alice knows though that if I was able to, I would have jumped in my car and seen her straight away! I know I've said it before though, but I really do feel blessed to be surrounded by such lovely friends. A lot of people with ME say how they've lost friends due to their illness, but I'm very very lucky as I haven't found that at all. I've actually gained friends! And those friends I had before I'm closer than ever to. They're definitely going to be friends for life; there's no question about that! But seeing Jake is still such a big goal for me and one that I'm determined to reach before he's walking and talking! It often makes me think about things actually. I've come to focus not on the times I've lost, but all the times I still have yet to come that WILL happen. I'm 22, I've still got so much to look forward to- I might have severe ME but I'm not giving up just yet!
Saturday, 17 December 2011
To push or not to push?
Anyway, now I've got that one off my chest it's time to get excited about Christmas again. I've got a lot of presents to wrap; it's too much for me to do them all myself so Rob's staying tonight to give me a hand (although I'm not sure if he knows that bit yet)! I'm slightly worried though, as I ordered Rob's present ages ago but it still hasn't arrived... as long as it gets here by Christmas, I don't mind! I've been having A LOT of fun on the iPad too. It's brilliant. I think I DEFINITELY know what I'd like for Christmas now!
Friday, 16 December 2011
The good, the bad and the iPad.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
It's a medical muddle!
One area of conversation that did come up with the social worker and physio is the whole muddled up medical profession. As an ME sufferer it's extremely frustrating as neither you nor your GP knows who to turn to. If you had a heart problem, you'd go to see a cardiologist. For a skin problem, you'd see a dermatologist. If you needed an operation you'd see a surgeon. With ME... well, there isn't really anyone who deals with ME. When I was in hospital, they put me under a care of the elderly team in a gynaecology ward. And, inevitably, they weren't really sure what to do. It was very frustrating to keep telling them that my pain relief wasn't working, that when I got a migraine my whole body would become paralysed, that I felt so dizzy that I'd actually fainted sitting down... all to be met with 'well, unfortunately that's all part of ME. And you don't respond to pain medication'. I mean, surely in this day and age there must be some type of pain relief that works for people like me? Probably the most helpful person to have seen would have been a neurologist. However, they got me a psychiatrist who said I didn't need any psychological treatment and left it at that.
I was under an ME clinic for six months (which was the only one in the area and was about forty five minutes from me) which had a GP with a special interest in ME. Fair play to him; if I'd have been a doctor I definitely wouldn't have thought of that as an interest! However, whilst in hospital the person I saw there rang me up and told me that they were discharging me because I was too severe. So we're on the hunt now for somebody who specialises in ME and can take me on.
The other problem that been discharged from the ME service left was that their doctor had put me on a LOT of medication. There's no cure for ME and no magic pill that you can take, but they certainly try to drug you up on as many other tablets as they can. I mean, I've been taking eighteen tablets a day. They didn't do anything about it before discharging me, and they didn't do anything about it in hospital except increase my dose of the pain relief (that still doesn't work). My GP really isn't sure how to handle my medication; he's a lovely guy, but really in the dark about ME. I think that's quite common though; they aren't educated about it at medical school, and being such a misunderstood condition- well, I actually feel pretty sorry for them. They must feel an awful lot of pressure when they're faced with somebody with it. As least my doctor believes that I've got it and that it's a physical illness- I think a lot of doctors still don't believe it exists!